random stories and thoughts from a world renouned scholar......Ever felt like being a nonsense makes sense? well read, question, react and feel revived!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

complete guide to the sleepy fish that ate....

Ok, i collected the questions and here are the answers, i decided to create the official complete guide to my story THE SLEEPY FISH THAT ATE THE ELEPHANT this wud answer all yur doubts

Before time was born, the balloon was already invented, that's why the elephant used it as its lift.

All life form came from the sea! This explains why no living thing can exist without water, including the cactites or cactus! It's our only link to existence.

Animals can talk, we just simply don't understand them.......ask the girl from the wild thorberrys (nick toons).

Chemicals kill us slowly everyday we're just too busy to notice it.

If you swallow a live elephant i'm pretty sure you would die...even if it did not pooped on your stomach....

The sea is so vast that we don't notice that it's so polluted and animals live under the sea....there are almost 90% of undiscovered habitat under the sea....

"How many times should i tell you that fishes don't sleep?!" well here's my answer....If so, they are the world's first addict! And not Jose Rizal.

More questions? Don't be afraid to ask.


I'm so fuckin happy that i decided to create a blog that makes no sense and wud be a goddammed waste of time if you continue to read this because it has no message but one thing, that i am so happy and excited that i won't even say the reason why!

Damn it feels so good, i feel like i am drugged to the highest fuckin level that man has never been able to feel in its entire fuckin existence! (i'm not an addict baby that's a lie!)

I just found another reason to exist in this goddamed illusory world!

"I'f i'd die tommorrow i'd be alright because i beleive, that after i'm gone, my spirit carries on!"